First and very important  Ferrets are not rats or rodents they are obligate carnivores which means they need at very least 30% protein in their food that means no cheap cat food, no junk food (cereal, chips, crackers, candy), no bread or grains of any kind, and NO fruit or veg they can not digest it but as many of you know they will eat almost anything, and just because they can does NOT mean they should! If you are unable to find ferret food in your town a premium grade cat food can be substituted as long as it is 30% protein or more and the first thing on its list is a meat product.

Ferrets are prone to several serious illnesses that must be checked for on a yearly basis until age 4 or 5 then twice yearly after that a vet that sees ferrets is the ONLY person who can tell you if your ferret is ok or not so plan on those checks BEFORE you get one. Some signs your pet may be ill is hair loss, change in eating habits, refusal to play, sudden aggression, drooling, or (of course) any vomiting or loose stool. All of things should prompt you to take your fuzzy to the nearest ferret vet that will see them and no not all vets know how or will be willing to treat your ferret so call ahead!

The average life span of a ferret is between 6-10 years with good care and vet checks but I have heard of others living longer with the best of diet and circumstances but sadly so many do not make it to those old years due to bad food, lack of health checks, and over all poor care. Before deciding to add a ferret to your family talk over these limits with everyone to be sure that the ferret you choose can be a true member of your family for however many number of years they are able, as they are not like any old pet but like a small child who needs you everyday.

A cage for a ferret is like a bedroom to you it is NOT a place you want to spend all day in but since some ferrets can sleep up to 18 hours a day it may seem like they love it when in fact they are just waiting for you to let them out for playtime, they are not cage animals like gerbils!

Ferret proofing is like baby proofing for a 1 year old who can fit in a 1/2 inch hole needless to say it is challenging but with a close eye to the ground and a tape measure you will get it down in no time. Think of it this way if you can fit 2 fingers in a space a ferret can also fit through, and oh boy will they!

Never buy a ferret to teach a child responsiblity, adopt a ferret for a responsible child as they are much work as a dog if not more so and will become depressed and die if not played with at least 3 hours a day out of their cage.

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